In a night of action in Glasgow’s West End, antifascists put up dozens of posters and dropped two banners; one over the M8 (FUCK NAZIS) and one on Woodlands Rd (Dinnae Be Fash).
The text on the poster reads:
Antifascist Zone – We have recently noticed increased neo-nazi activity in and around Glasgow. This includes stickering and graffiti, increased recruitment efforts, attempts to infiltrate demonstrations, and a recent assault in Erskine.
We know this represents a small minority of pathetic, hateful wee guys. We want to remind them that these are our streets, our neighbourhoods, and their shite won’t go unopposed.
We call on the antifascist comunity in Glasgow to mobilise, to support antifascist initiatives and demonstrations, to counter nazi efforts to lay claim to public spaces, and to organise your own forms of antifascist resistance.
¡No pasarán! – 161