Banner Drop – Free Claudio Lavazza!

Claudio Lavazza has faced over 118 years of incarceration for a life spent at the heart of armed anarchist struggle in Europe, including involvement with the Proletari Armati per il Comunismo in Italy in the 1970s, and a number of expropriations from state and capitalist targets.

The comrade, according to French law, has been eligible for release since the 11th of December 2021 with the completion of 25 years of imprisonment, as his sentences should have been merged. However, as we have often observed in recent years, a regime of exception applies for political prisoners, for those who, like Claudio, remain unrepentant in their anarchist ideas, continuing the struggle in the cells as they did in the streets.

So, on the 17.05.2022, the day that the comrade’s appeal for release is going through court in France, we dropped a banner in solidarity on Eglinton St. in Glasgow.


Liberté pour Claudio Lavazza!

Clydeside Anarchist Noise.